Wednesday 6 January 2016

10 Unusual Things You Won’t Believe Were Found In A Backyard


When a nine-year-old boy from Hamerton, Cambridgeshire, U.K. ran to his mother shouting that there was a cheetah in the garden, she dismissed his claims as childhood excitement. But when Julie-Ann Taylor looked out of the kitchen window, to her astonishment, she realized her son was not joking. It turned out that the 6 feet long predator had escaped from a nearby animal sanctuary. The keepers soon arrived to the house and took the tripper back home.

Mystery object
While digging up their backyard, looking for worms to take on an upcoming fishing trip, two sisters from Kitchener, Canada stumbled upon a curious object. Deep in the ground, they found something transparent and shiny, with a bluish hue. At first they thought that it was part of a meteorite, however, earth sciences professor Phil McCausland disagreed, saying that the visible layer of the object should have been much darker if it really was part of a meteorite. Then, a gem expert, Gary Winkler, was contacted and asked to analyze the object. He found that it was definitely not a gem of any known kind. He also speculated that the object was not of natural origins but that a person deliberately buried it. No matter what it was, the sisters were going to keep it.

Fallout shelter
The Zwick family from Neenah, Wisconsin, always knew there was a metal door hidden in the ground in their backyard, but they never dared to explore it before. Then, one day, the family decided to open the metal hatch and see what was inside. It turned out there was a Cold War-era fallout shelter buried in the backyard. A ladder led them down into a bunker, which contained items from the past including clothing, medical supplies, tools, flashlights, batteries – and other items needed for a temporary stay in the shelter.

Gold nugget
A Californian man armed with a metal detector and a shovel discovered an 8.2-pound lump of gold in his backyard in 2011. Thanks to its extraordinary size, the nugget was sold at auction for an incredible $460,000. The lucky finder of the nugget remained anonymous to prevent a literal gold rush onto his property. Geologists said the likelihood that there is more gold on that land is 100 percent so the Californian may spend the rest of his life digging up his backyard

Foxes jumping on a trampoline
Yes, alligators bathing in a swimming pool are obviously not the only animals that can enjoy human amusements. An anonymous man recently woke up to find evidence of some strange visitors in his backyard: a couple of adorable foxes that dug their way in overnight. The nocturnal trespassers took advantage of the slumbering homeowners to have some fun on the trampoline.

Marijuana worth 175,000 USD
Mack Reed from Los Angeles attempted to install solar panels in his backyard when he found $175,000 worth of marijuana in a hidden underneath hot tub. Reed briefly considered all the money he could make from this unexpected find, but he thought that the person who hid the drugs would probably want it back. Instead, he reported his discovery to the police and secured the place with a sign saying “We found it and the called police. They confiscated it and are now watching the place. Sorry.”

Giant earthworm
Chinese worker Li Zhiwei was putting some clothes to dry out in his backyard when he saw what he thought was a snake. However, when he took a closer look at the animal, he realized it was not a snake but a giant, almost 20 inches (half a meter) long earthworm. Biologists wondered why it was able to grow so long in a built-up area because an earthworm’s size is usually closely related to its environment.

Mammoth bone
In 2010, a family from Iowa was picking fruit in their wooded backyard when they saw a white object sticking out of the ground. After digging it out, they found out it was a femur. Scientists from a local university later identified it as a 12,000 years old wooly mammoth bone. When paleontologists came to the site, they soon discovered more bones with only the mammoth skull missing.

Grenades and TNT explosives
In May 2013, a 39-year old man from the Czech Republic wanted to dig out some tree stumps in his backyard when he noticed there was something under them. Disturbed by the unexpected finding, he called the police. After excavating the mysterious objects, they found out that the man´s backyard contained tens of hand grenades and several TNT explosives from the Second World War.

When digging for fun in a backyard in 1978, two kids from Los Angeles found a Dino 246 GTS Ferrari. After excavating the car and a little investigation, it turned out that the car had been stolen and buried several years earlier by thieves. Oddly enough, none of the residents who had lived in the neighborhood in the time of the burial noticed anything. Vanishing of the car is believed to have been a part of an insurance scam. The thieves were to allegedly destroy the car but they loved it so much, they decided to bury it and intended to retrieve it later.

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