Thursday 7 January 2016

10 Happiest Countries In The World


Australia (score: 7.284)

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One of the most developed and wealthiest countries in the world, Australia ranks highly in many international comparisons of national performance, including quality of life, health, education, protection of civil and political rights etc. Melbourne, one of Australia´s major cities, has been even named “the best city in the world to live in” several times.

New Zealand (score: 7.286)

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Famous for its breathtaking landscape and natural landmarks, New Zealand is a highly developed country with an efficient infrastructure, modern and prosperous economy and a stable social system. Surrounded by the beautiful nature, local people are known to be very friendly, easy-going and relaxed so finding New Zealand on this list is no surprise.

Sweden (score: 7.364)

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Apart from numerous economic and social privileges such as the world’s eighth-highest per capita income, top quality of life, excellent health and educational system, protection of civil liberties etc., Sweden can offer its inhabitants clean environment as well as astonishing cities packed with historic sites and unique architecture.

Netherlands (score: 7.378)

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Famous for its benevolent attitude towards soft drugs, prostitution, euthanasia and gay marriages, Netherlands dropped from the last years´ fourth place but the Dutch still consider themselves happy. High quality of life, economic freedom as well as highly effective healthcare and social system are among the reasons why the Dutch enjoy living in their country.

Finland (score: 7.406)

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Similarly to its neighbor Sweden, Finland is also a top performer in numerous metrics of national performance, including economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, human development etc. In 2010, Newsweek chose Finland as the best country in the world. Finland is currently also the world´s fourth safest country according to the Global Peace Index.

Canada (score: 7.427)

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The world´s second largest country by total area, Canada is a beautiful country with unspoiled natural features. With excellent results in government transparency, civil liberties, human rights, quality of life, economic freedom, and education, Canada is the fifth happiest country in the world.

Norway (score: 7.522)

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Considered one of the most developed democracies and states of justice in the world, Norway regularly ranks among the best countries to live in. With the 4th-highest per capita income in the world, this country is also notable for its astonishing natural landmarks, well-preserved wildlife and clean environment. No wonder the Norwegians are happy people.

Denmark (score: 7.527)

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Denmark slipped from number one to the third spot this year, but the country’s overall well-being is still very high. World’s highest social mobility, an outstanding level of income equality, prosperity, civil liberty and one of the world’s highest per capita incomes are just some of the reasons why the Danes are so happy about living in their country.

Iceland (score: 7.561)

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Another Nordic country boasting incredible natural beauties and top quality of life, Iceland is particularly famous for its safeness. For many consecutive years, this isolated Northern-European country has been rated the most peaceful country in the world according to the Global Peace Index. Combined with their enormous well-being, the Icelanders seem destined for happiness.

Switzerland (score: 7.587)

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To name at least some of the reasons why Switzerland is the world´s happiest country: the Swiss enjoy exceptional government transparency, civil liberties, economic competitiveness, human development, world´s highest nominal wealth per person etc. In addition to that, it is a beautiful and safe country and is considered to be one of the best places to live in.

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