Wednesday 6 January 2016

10 Easy Life Hacks You Should Not Be Living Without


Cutting cake

Cutting cake
To keep your cake fresh until the very last bite, cut if from the middle outwards. After you take the middle slice out, press the cake back together.

Cleaning shower head

shower head
To get the gross residue off your shower head, tie a bag filled with vinegar around it and leave it there over night. Then, easily wipe the dirt away with a wet cloth.

Breaking in new shoes

Breaking in new shoes
Breaking in new shoes doesn’t have to take weeks of discomfort and pain. Simply wear a pair of thick socks, put on your shoes and use a hair dryer to blow on the tightest corners. This will make your shoes fit comfortably in no time.

Stop nose bleeding

nose bleeding
If you’re dealing with a nose bleed, put cotton on your upper gums right behind the small dent below your nose and press against it hard. Most of the blood comes from the cartilage wall that divides the nose, so pressing it helps stop the bleeding

Washing blender

Washing blender
Do not waste time trying to wash your blender. Just pour some hot water and soap in it, turn it on and let it wash itself.

Tooth brushing

When brushing your teeth, only use a little dab of toothpaste (about the size of a pea). The large amounts of toothpaste featured in commercials are only used to make you use up your toothpaste faster and buy another one.

Eating Chinese takeout meals

Chinese takeout meals
Do you struggle with eating Chinese takeaway meals out of the paper container? Break down the container and use it as a plate instead.

Packing space saver

Packing clothes
In packing, saving space is crucial. Rolling up your clothes instead of folding will take up less space.

Playing music on phone

Playing music on phone
To enhance the sound of your cell phone, put the phone in a ceramic mug.

Chilling wine

frozen grapes in wine
Put some grapes in the freezer and use them later to chill wine without diluting it.

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