Thursday 7 January 2016

10 Interesting And Unbelievable Stories About Stolen Items


According to the International Atomic Energy Agency there have been 18 incidents of highly enriched uranium or plutonium being stolen in the last decade.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay

In 1995, Shawn Nelson, a US Army veteran struggling with depression, stole a tank and drove it around downtown San Diego until police shot him.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

The largest bank heist in history happened when $1 billion was stolen from the Central Bank of Iraq…one day before the US started bombing.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

In 1978, thieves held the body of Charlie Chaplin for ransom but his widow refused to pay it because she said "Charlie would have found it ridiculous".

Source:, Image: wikipedia

The Guinness Book of World Records is famous for holding one record…it is the most stolen book from public libraries.

Source:, Image: wikipedia

In 1911, when the Mona Lisa was stolen, police arrested Pablo Picasso.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Magic tricks are not covered by copyright law. Which means you can steal them…

Source:, Image: wikipedia

A security guard is paid to sit next a statue of John Lennon in Havana, Cuba. He is tasked with adding or removing Lennon's glasses according to the requests of tourists. This is to prevent people from stealing the glass (which happened a lot in the past).

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

In 2008, a beach in Jamaica disappeared overnight when nearly 500 truckloads of sand were stolen.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

In 1987, a small radioactive device was stolen from a hospital in Brazil. Unfortunately for the thieves (who didn't know it was radioactive) four people died and 200 were poisoned.

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