Thursday 11 February 2016

10 Unique Valentine’s Day Facts And Traditions From Around The World Part-2


Denmark & Norway

These Scandinavians enjoy a guessing game. Men will send an anonymous poem to the girls they like. They sign them with a dot for each letter of their name. If the woman guesses who the right guy is, he gives her an egg on Easter. If she guesses wrong, she owes him one.


Women would pin bay leaves to the corners and one in the center of their pillows in the 1700’s. They would then chant a poem and fall asleep hoping this ritual would bring dreams of their future husband

South Korea

This is a country full of love. In fact the 14th is a “love day” every single month. On February 14th, women will give men a gift. If the men give a gift to the same woman one month later on “White Day”, they’re still in love. If not, the newly single people will eat black noodles with friends to mourn/celebrate their new found freedom.

Ancient Rome (the Christian takeover)

At the end of the 5th centurary, Pope Gelasius declared the pagan ritual “un-christian” outlawing it. He renamed the holiday St. Valentine’s Day and redesigned the rituals to celebrate love. This eventually turned into the traditions we celebrate today.

Ancient Rome (how the celebration began)

Priests would slaughter a goat in a sacrificial cave to pay tribute to the founders of Rome. After they’d walk through the streets where the women would hope to be slapped with the hide in hopes of becoming fertile. Afterwards they would place their names in a large urn. The bachelors would select a name and for the next year, they would be a couple. Many times this resulted in marriage.

Ancient Rome (How the card came to pass)

St. Valentine is rumored to have sent the first love note while imprisoned in ancient Rome. He was in love with the Jailor’s daughter and as he died he left a note saying something like “With Love, from Your Valentine”.


In Japan the men get the gifts on Valentine’s Day. Women buy fancy chocolates and “present” them in hopes that the favor will be returned later in the year.


The French would stand in a room and call out to the people they love around them. If the person responds then they go on a date. The women who were left would gather that evening and burn a photo of the person that rejected them in a large bonfire. This practice got carried away and was eventually outlawed.


On January 25th, the Welsh give each other love spoons. That would be fun to eat with at a dinner party.


The Estonian’s celebrate friendship instead of the person they love. It’s a day to celebrate the relationships you build with the people you care about most.


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