Monday 2 May 2016

10 Truths About Smelling That Will Make You Appreciate Your Nose


Putting dry tea bags in your shoes overnight will absorb some of their bad odor

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

East Asians (Japan, Korea, China), have less sweat glands than other groups of people. This makes them less prone to body odor.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Astronauts have described the smell of space as seared steak, hot metal, and welding fumes

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Maned wolf urine smells like marijuana. In fact, police were once called to the zoo in Rotterdam because somebody thought they smelled a pot smoker. It turns out the maned wolves had simply been relieving themselves.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Bunchosia argentea is a tree that grows in South America. It smells like peanut butter.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

That distinct smell you catch a whiff of before a thunderstorm is actually ozone. This is because the thunderstorm's downdrafts pull it down out of the sky.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Fenugreek is a supplement that increases milk production. And makes your baby smell like maple syrup.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Paleontologists have found that the part of our brain controlling hearing and smell shrank around the time that humans domesticated dogs.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Most people produce a nasty stench in their urine after eating asparagus, but only a small portion of the population has the autosomal genes required to actually smell it.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

And finally, farts smell worse in the shower because circulating air spreads them more effectively. Also, the humidity enhances your sense of smell.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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