Tuesday 7 June 2016

10 Things You Might Not Know About Muhammad Ali


On July 19, 1996, a shaking (from the Parkinson’s) Ali lit the torch at the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, in what was noted by Sports Illustrated as one of the most emotional moments in sports history.

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: Wikipedia

On February 4, 1999, Muhammad Ali became the first boxer to appear on a box of Wheaties.

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: YouTube

It might sound hard to believe but Ali practiced his speed by dodging rocks. He asked his best friend to throw rocks at him and according to his younger brother Rudy, Ali dodged every rock thrown at him.

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: YouTube

The U.S. Army measured Ali’s IQ at seventy-eight. In his autobiography Ali jokingly says, “I only said I was the greatest, not the smartest.”

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: Wikipedia

In 1999 Ali was named the top North American sportsman of the twentieth century by Sports Illustrated.

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: Wikipedia

Almost fifty years after the bout, the gloves Ali wore to defeat Liston and win the world title earned him more money than the victory itself. In 2013 an anonymous buyer purchased the gloves Ali wore to win his first world title for $836,000. For the record, Ali had earned only $630,000 for the victory.

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: Wikipedia

Benedikt Taschen Publishing’s GOAT: A Tribute to Muhammad Ali weighs seventy-five pounds and is covered in silk and Louis Vuitton leather. It has 780 pages, is twenty-by-twenty inches, has 600,000 words, and more than three thousand images. GOAT stands for “Greatest of All Time.”

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: Wikipedia

Since 2013, the Muhammad Ali Center in Ali’s hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, honors him with the “Three Days of Greatness.”

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: Wikipedia

In 1974 Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali, arguably the two most famous entertainers in the world at the period, met for the first time in Las Vegas. The media and fans alike still refer to that meeting as “when the Greatest met the King.”

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: Wikipedia

On November 27, 1990, Muhammad Ali met with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad to negotiate for the release of Americans held hostage in Iraq and Kuwait. The next month Ali would accompany fifteen freed U.S. hostages out of Iraq, a sign of the global respect and admiration Ali enjoyed worldwide.

Source: The Greatest: My Own Story, Image: Wikipedia

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