Thursday 21 January 2016

10 Crazy Stories And Facts About Crashes You Might Find Hard To Believe


Popular Mechanics did a study on every commercial plane crash since 1971 and found that the farther back you sit, the better your chances of survival in a crash. While the survival rate for business class passengers was 49%, the survival rate for those in the back was 69%

Source:, Image: wikipedia

The majority of accidents take place within 3 miles of the driver's home

Source:, Image: pixabay

In 1977, the entire University of Evansville basketball team was killed in a plane crash on the way to one of their games, except for one player. That player then died 2 weeks later after being hit by a drunk driver.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Nearly two thirds of the people on the Hindenburg survived when it turned into a fireball over New Jersey

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

In 1977, when the band Lynyrd Skynyrd crashed in Mississippi, Artimus Pyle, the drummer stumbled away to seek help although his band mates were all killed on impact. He came across a farmer who thought he was trespassing and shot Artemis through the shoulder. The farmer obviously felt bad after he realized what was actually going on.

Source:, Image: wikipedia

It was only after the death of Buddy Holly in a plane crash in 1959 that newspapers withheld the names of victims until family was notified.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

While terrorist strikes like 9/11 cause lots of direct damage, they also introduced something called "dread risk". This is the risk that people will actually engage in more dangerous behavior to avoid a perceived threat.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

After 9/11, for a period of one year, Americans reduced air travel while interstate traffic increased. Simultaneously, the number of fatal traffic accidents shot up. An estimated 1,500 Americans died in car crashes because they were trying to avoid being in a plane crash

Source:, Image: wikipedia

Just before Boddy Holly died in that fateful crash, his band mate told him that he "hopes his ol' plane crashes!". Although Waylon Jennings was joking, that statement has haunted him for the rest of his life.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Nearly one third of teenage deaths in the developed world are due to car crashes.

Source: Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Image: pixabay

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