Thursday 21 January 2016

10 Insane Stories About Burglars And Robberies You Might Find Amusing


While out hunting, President Teddy Roosevelt's raft was stolen. In spite of the icy conditions, Teddy and his buddies built a make shift raft, sailed down river, and after three days they caught the thieves.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

When Robert Horsley tried to break into the home of a 95 year old woman, she began to repeatedly stab his hands through the door with a screw driver. Eventually Robert was found on the front porch passed out from the loss of blood.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

In 2005, a thief broke into the home of William Ellis Green, an Australian cartoonist. William managed to sketch an accurate picture of the thief which led to his immediate capture .

Source: wikipedia

When Jenar Sanders, 18, swiped the purse of an elderly woman in Chicago, she chased him for over a mile, cornered him in an alley, and gave him a bible lesson about not stealing.

Source:, Image: pdpics

In 1994, a robber gave himself up to a squad of police officers that had surrounded the store he was robbing. Moments later he realized they were just extras on the set of a movie (The Professional).

Source: imdb, Image: wikipedia

In 1995, MacArthur Wheeler robbed a store with lemon juice on his face. He thought that since lemon juice can be used for invisible ink, it would make his face invisible to the cameras.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

In 2010, three robbers broke into a Central Florida home thinking they had found cocaine. It turned out they were snorting the ashes of a man and his dogs.

Source: reuters

The New York Blackout in 1977 was apparently a critical day in the world of Hip Hop. During the blackout, lots of DJ equipment was stolen, which led to hundreds of new DJs.

Source: nytimes, Image: pixabay

In 2006, magician David Copperfield tricked some would-be robbers into believing that he wasn't carrying anything although he had his wallet, phone, and passport.

Source:, Image: wikipedia

In 2006, a couple thieves tried to steal a koala from Rockhampton Zoo in Australia. They changed their minds, however, and opted to steal a crocodile instead after the koala proved to be too vicious.

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