Thursday 7 January 2016

10 Facts About Guns And Getting Shot That You Might Not Be Aware Of


Jailers used to carry keys that doubled as mini guns as a last line of defense

Source:, Image: wikipedia

As you may have expected, high trajectory bullets from rifles will do the most damage. However, slower bullets from pistols tend to wobble more, which can also lead to more damage.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

TASER is short for "Thomas A Swift’s Electric Rifle"

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Don't think bulletproof vests will save you from the pain. Although the bullet won't penetrate, you'll definitely feel like you just got kicked in the stomach by a horse. The next generation of anti-ballistic technology, however, is making use of carbon nanotubes which may rebound the bullets

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Shotgun manufacturer Mossberg has a line of guns specifically designed for slaying zombies

Source:, Image: wikipedia

Bullet holes without exit wounds can actually be more dangerous than those that penetrate straight through. This is because the bullet can ricochet and bounce around inside the body

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

The revolver was first created by Samuel Colt when he was 16 years old

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, bullets will not cause you to drop down dead immediately. As you can probably deduce by now, you are capable of being shot numerous times and surviving.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Mexico has only one legally operated gun store

Source:, Image: wikipedia

To give you some hard statistics, only 5% of gunshots are fatal. As one doctor noted, "One bullet can kill, but sometimes 20 don't". It's basically dumb luck.

Source: nytimes/Dr. Vincent J. M. DiMaio, Image: wikipedia

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