Thursday 7 January 2016

10 Tips And Tricks To Become A Road Trip Ninja


Many gas stations offer free air for your tires. This is always a good thing to do because having inflated tires increases gas mileage.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

Whenever you rent a car, take pictures and video before using it so you don't get blamed for dents or scratches you didn't commit

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

To prevent your windows from fogging up, cut a potato in half, rub down the inside of your windows, and then leave them to dry

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

If you can't get a sticker off of your window, soak some newspaper in warm water and place it over the sticker for 10 minutes

Source: reddit, Image:


An exit sign is positioned on the same side of the road as the exit

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

If you can see your own car in your mirror, the mirror is in a potentially dangerous position. To avoid having blind spots it's better not to have any part of your own car visible

Source: reddit, Image: Ken Lund via Flickr

On hot days, turn your steering wheel around 180 degrees whenever you park so that the top isn't hot when you come back

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia

If you hold your car remote under your chin, it's range increases slightly. This might sound unbelievable but its true. Your head acts as a sort of "antenna extension" thanks to your skull and various fluids.

Source:, Image: wikipedia

Drivers under 25 can have their surcharge waived if they are members of the USAA (registration is free)

Source: reddit, Image: pixaba

You can use the floormats in your car for traction if you get stuck in the snow or mud

Source: reddit, Image:

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