Wednesday 6 January 2016

10 Insane Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Nuclear Weapons


Dr Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, envisioned one of its non-combat uses could be to create another Panama Canal with a series of well placed explosives

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Somewhere off the coast of Georgia, United States there is a nuclear bomb that was lost by the US Air Force in 1958

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

A CT body scan exposes patients to the same amount of radiation as standing within 1.5 miles of the blast at Hiroshima

Source:, Image: wikipedia

In New Mexico there is an atomic bomb museum where the first nuclear bombs were detonated. It is open only 12 hours per year (If you look it up it is called Trinity Site, not the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Neutron bombs are atomic bombs that are designed specifically to not create a large blast. Instead, they just spew out a ton of radiation.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay

Tsar Bomb, the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated was so big that it created seismic waves measurable even on their third passage around the world

Source:, Image: wikipedia

Under NATO weapons sharing, American nuclear warheads are kept in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Turkey

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

One way of testing for art forgeries is to detect cesium-137 and strontium-90. These isotopes did not exist in nature before the first use of nuclear weapons in 1945

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

In 1961 the US Air Force accidentally dropped 2 nuclear bombs over North Carolina but amazingly neither of them exploded

Source:, Image: wikipedia


Known as the Vela Incident, out of more than 2,000 nuclear tests only 1 has had an unknown nationality. It was a 3 kiloton bomb detonated in the Indian Ocean in 1979

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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