Wednesday 6 January 2016

10 Crazy Things That The World Forgot About The Vikings


They skied. That's right, nearly 6,000 years ago the Scandinavians developed primitive skis.

They skied. That's right, nearly 6,000 years ago the Scandinavians developed primitive skis. (note: scientists believe that ancient Russians may have developed them earlier)
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Skiing was actually seen as an efficient method of transportation

Skiing was actually seen as an efficient method of transportation
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Vikings preferred to be blond. Men with darker hair would use strong soap with a high level of lye to bleach their hair

Vikings preferred to be blond. Men with darker hair would use strong soap with a high level of lye to bleach their hair
Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay

Some Vikings would bleach their beards as well

Some Vikings would bleach their beards as well
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Vikings were never part of a unified group, as in they didn't see themselves as being one nation of Vikings

Vikings were never part of a unified group, as in they didn't see themselves as Vikings
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

The term Viking only refers to Scandinavians who took part in overseas expeditions

The term Viking only refers to Scandinavians who took part in overseas expeditions
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

During the Viking Age, present day Denmark, Sweden, and Norway simply consisted of a number of tribes who were constantly at war with one another when they weren't off raiding

During the Viking Age, present day Denmark, Sweden, and Norway simply consisted of a number of tribes who were constantly at war with one another when they weren't off raiding
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

The average Viking lived to be around 40 years old

The average Viking lived to be around 40 years old
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Long before they reached that age, their teeth would have been worn down by the grit in their bread

Long before they reached that age, their teeth would have been worn down by the grit in their bread
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

A Viking's most treasured possession was his sword. It was often handed down from generation to generation.

A Viking's most treasured possession was his sword. It was often handed down from generation to generation.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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