Thursday 7 January 2016

10 Things People Don’t Realize Are Actually Quite Dangerous

10. Air pollution

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
People tend to underestimate how bad breathing non-air particles actually is. One of the primary sources of this, besides smoking, is air pollution. Living in cities like Los Angeles can have a very noticeable effect on your health.

Drinking too much

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
If you are a college kid, here is a newsflash – blacking out doesn’t just mean falling asleep. It also introduces the very real possibility of choking on your vomit.

Popping zits

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
More specifically, popping zits in the danger triangle of the face (roughly between the corners of your mouth and the bridge of your nose). Superficial infections here can spread to the brain and cause things like meningitis.

Inhaling paint/gasoline fumes

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
This goes for basically any chemical. It can mess you up in ways you don’t want to be messed up, from cancer to brain damage.

Diving into water

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
As long as you can see the bottom and know you have clearance, you should be ok. Numerous people, however, are paralyzed every year because they break their neck diving into shallow water.

Not sleeping

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
Not sleeping actually impairs your judgement worse than alcohol. Moreover, the long term effects of not sleeping include everything from weight gain to mental health issues.

Hiding under an overpass as shelter from a tornado

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
This myth has actually caused quite a few fatalities. Although you’d think you would be safe there, the wind from the tornado is actually channelled and focused through that recess which makes it much easier to get clobbered by debris. A better option is to lay face down in the lowest place you can find (a ditch) and cover your head.

Petting a dog for the first time on top of the head

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
Although this is what most people do, it can cause some dogs to snap because it is a sign of dominance and they can’t see your hand. Your best option is to let the dog sniff the back of your hand first. Once he realizes you are not a threat, and licks you, you can pet under or to the side of the head.

Dull knives

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
People think sharp knives are dangerous, but it is the dull knives you need to watch out for. Sharp knives cut the way you would expect while dull knives tend to slip off food or whatever else you are cutting. Furthermore, they require more force to actually cut.

Swimming in the ocean

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
While most people are afraid of sharks, this is not why you should be afraid of swimming in the ocean. Rip currents are much more common threats. If you get yourself caught in one, don’t swim against it! The general advice is to swim perpendicular to the direction of the current (which would usually mean parallel to shore).

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