Wednesday 6 January 2016

10 Interesting Facts About Explorers And Exploration You Might Not Know


The Greek explorer Pytheas was the first person to discover the polar ice caps and the midnight sun. He also was also the first to suggest that the tides were caused by the moon.

The Greek explorer Pytheas was the first person to discover the polar ice caps and the midnight sun. He also was the first to suggest that the tides were caused by the moon.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

In 1962, Michael Siffre, a French explorer, spent 2 months buried beneath a glacier in total darkness to show that humans have an internal biological clock

In 1962, Michael Siffre, a French explorer, spent 2 months buried beneath a glacier in total darkness to show that humans have an internal biological clock
Source:, Image: wikipedia

Mount Disappointment in Australia got its name when the explorers who stumbled across it found the view to be less than stellar

Mount Disappointment in Australia got its name when the explorers who stumbled across it found the view to be less than stellar
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Venezuela got its name when Amerigo Vespucci saw how the natives had elevated their houses above the water, similar to Venice. Hence "Little Venice", or "Venezuela"

Venezuela got its name when Amerigo Vespucci saw how the natives had elevated their houses about the water, similar to Venice. Hence
Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay

Columbus's ship captain, Rodrigo de Triana, was the first to spot land but Columbus claimed he had seen in several hours earlier already. In this way he secured the lifetime pension promised by King Ferdinand for being the first to make the sighting.

Columbus's ship captain, Rodrigo de Triana, was the first to spot land but Columbus claimed he had seen in several hours earlier already. In this way he secured the lifetime pension promised by King Ferdinand for being the first to make the sighting.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

While exploring South Dakota, Hugh Glass was left for dead by his group after being mauled by a grizzly bear. He then crawled 200 miles to the nearest settlement.

While exploring South Dakota, Hugh Glass was left for dead by his group after being mauled by a grizzly bear. He then crawled 200 miles to the nearest settlement.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

During the 1600s, British explorers came across something called “kê-chiap” in China. It was a blend of pickled fish and spice. It was later brought to the new world and came to be known as ketchup.

During the 1600s, British explorers came across something called “kê-chiap” in China. It was a blend of pickled fish and spice. It was later brought to the new world and came to be known as ketchup.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Australia is also home to Lake Disappointment. It was named after an explorer followed numerous rivers and creeks to find a source of freshwater only to find that the lake was full of salt water.

Australia is also home to Lake Disappointment. It was named after an explorer followed numerous rivers and creeks to find a source of freshwater only to find that the lake was full of salt water.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Richard Francis Burton was an English explorer who spoke more than 40 languages. He once snuck into Mecca in disguise and also translated the Kama Sutra into English.

Richard Francis Burton was an English explorer who spoke more than 40 languages. He once snuck into Mecca in disguise and translated the Kama Sutra into English.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

In 1925 British soldier Percival Harrison Fawcett died in the Amazon while looking for El Dorado. Over the past century, more than one hundred people have died trying to find his remains and the last expedition only got out alive after paying a ransom to their native captors

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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