Thursday 21 January 2016

10 Things You Might Not Know About Cars And Driving


To instantaneously cool your hot car down, roll down the window on one side and open/close the opposite door several times

Source: reddit, Image: Ecin Krispie via Flickr

The gas guzzler tax in the US that was meant to deter people from driving fuel heavy vehicles only applies to cars and not SUVs or vans. This is because back in 1978 when the law was passed, vans and SUVs weren't often used as passenger vehicles. The law has yet to be updated.

Source:, Image: wikipedia

In California it is legal to drive a motorcycle between two lanes (and two cars). Known as lane-splitting, most people don't realize that this is in fact legal (53% at last poll)

Source:, Image: wikipedia

Initially, the Soviet Union allowed the Grapes of Wrath to be played in theaters because it depicted how people suffered under capitalism. It was eventually pulled, however, because audiences were amazed at how even the poorest Americans could afford a car

Source:, Image: wikipedia

In Norway there are very strict rules about advertising cars as being green. The official position is that "green" cars cannot do any good for the environment. They just do less damage than others.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

In South Africa it is legal to attach flamethrowers to the bottom of your car in order to ward off car jackers

Source: wikipedia, Image: Bala Sivakumar via Flickr

During the 1978 Formula One, there was a so called "fan car" competing. It had fans on the underside that created a vacuum and sucked the car to the road. It was disqualified shortly thereafter

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

The Cozy Coupe toy car by Little Tikes was named the "best selling car of the decade" in 1998. It outsold both the Honda Accord and the Ford Taurus

Source: nytimes, Image: Quinn Dombrowski via Flickr

The Honda Prelude was the first mass produced car to have a mechanical 4-wheel steering system. It's first year it even beat its Porsche and Ferrari contenders in the slalom test

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Lincoln Town cars are the last US luxury car to use body-on-frame construction rather than a unibody frame. This allows for the vehicle to easily be lengthened and is also why almost every limousine is a Lincoln Town Car.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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